“Being a person with another person” – Explore and deepen your listening to yourself and others

What previous participants have said about the course

Douglas Kent PhD
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

“This course, Being A Person with Another Person, was a masterclass about being genuine with others. Ms. Vera beautifully teaches philosophical principles by facilitating lively discussion, inviting thoughtful reflection, and learning through experience of synchronous listening and responding from the felt sense of interpersonal experience. A central question of the class, “Need I put myself away to be with you?”, opened my thought to possibilities of how to “show myself” in roles that I might otherwise have needlessly withheld from others, thus increasing the opportunity for more fully authentic interpersonal experiences”

Naty Calviño

“Vera embodies the essence of Focusing and what she teaches, transmits and facilitates. She does so in a very caring, warm way, including texts and notes of her sessions that are very interesting and enriching. She also encourages participation and partnerships. I loved this Course!”

Amona Beuchler

“What a wonderful course! The course material is presented in a perfect mixture: Lots of theoretical background with quotes, Vera’s thoughts on how this theory bridges to actually living it, and clearly laid out, interesting exercises. Each of the practices brought new perspectives and new perceptions for me, and the sharings and discussion that came from all that, felt very alive, engaged, and warm. This we-space type of Focusing is not only a wonderful way of having a different kind of Focusing partnership, perhaps more intimate, it also offers the Focusing attitude to be more easily bridged into/brought into everyday interactions with others. With this practice, we can all become even better listeners and thereby have deeper connections with one another. I do feel, it is good to have a good foundation of regular Focusing before taking this course.”

I experienced Vera’s course ‘Being a person with another person’ as gentle and open, and grounded in scholarship and experience
– Jennifer Dunbabin

Vera R. Fryd Lyngmo is a warm and gentle young woman who was doing some amazing “thinking at the edge” about Focusing in the course I took. And she encouraged class participants to do the same. Thoroughly engrossing!
– Anonymous

I liked the course and I learned a lot. I love how Vera lives what she says. Soundly rooted, open, lively and kind
– Winnie Ireland

Jeffrey Kinnamon

This course met me exactly where I am and was incredibly helpful to me as a focuser and a human being. The content of this course was the process itself and Vera facilitated this with a smart pedagogical structure and by creating a dynamic, rich, and safe environment. Together and with intention, we co-created an exploratory space from which to learn, build new concepts, and carry-forward. I loved seeing everyone there, and being seen!