Individual Felt Sensing (Focusing) Sessions

I offer sessions one-on-one, online (Zoom)
You can read more about what such sessions can be for, and how they work for beginners and for experienced Focusers below.

As an introduction to Felt Sensing (Focusing)

If you are new to Focusing/Felt Sensing, you might want to try an individual session (or a few) to see if you like it, before you go on to a group course that makes you eligible for Focusing (Felt Sensing) partnership. You can do this with me, or with another Focusing Trainer, before embarking on the Felt Sensing and With-Sensing Training

Please let me know, and we can schedule a session for you to see if this is something you’d like to learn more about.

As a self-development tool or an alternative to other helping conversations

Maybe it also fits you better to not learn Felt Sensing) (Focusing) in a group, and you’d like to have someone listen to you in a different way than in usual counselling or therapy. You might have a topic or an issue you’d like to get to know better or something you want to change. In this case you can also contact me for scheduling a session to see if we can work together.

You might be wondering what an individual session would look like. Book a session and find prices here.

How does an individual Felt Sensing session work?

If you’re new to Focusing/Felt Sensing:

  • We would meet on Zoom for a 50 minute session,
  • We would probably smile a little at each other and say “hello, how are you?” :),
  • I would check with you what you already know about Focusing (which might be virtually nothing, and that would be totally ok),
  • I would check with you if you have any particular topic, or issue you’d like to work on, or just want to get a feel for what Felt Sensing (Focusing) is,
    • I’d let you know that there’s no need to tell me anything about your topic or issue if that doesn’t feel right,
  • Depending on what feels right, I might demonstrate a little bit of Felt Sensing (Focusing) by doing some myself, or we would just jump straight into it with you having a go,
  • I would let you know that I will keep track of the process, but that if I say or ask anything that doesn’t make any sense to you, or doesn’t fit, it would help me a lot if you let me know, so we can find a way that does,
  • We would start the Focusing/Felt Sensing by a grounding lead in,
  • I would let you know 10 minutes before the session ends, so that you would have some time to find a good ending place,
  • Aftewards we would spend a few minutes saying how that was for each of us, and check if you got what you wanted, and maybe book a new session, or book you in for the Introduction to Felt Sensing (Focusing) course

If you’re an intermediate or advanced Felt Senser (Focuser):

  • We would meet on Zoom for a 50 minute session,
  • We would probably smile a little at each other and say “hello, how are you?”,
  • I would check with you what you already know about Felt Sensing (Focusing), and if there’s any particular kind of style you already prefer or don’t like so much,
  • I might offer, or you might ask for a settling in together before we start,
  • I would mostly let you lead the way, and be with you in your process in a me-kind-of-way, unless you’d like me to lead the way because you want a sense of my Focusing/Listening way,
  • We would end by saying how that was for each of us, and check if you got what you wanted, and see if we would like to book you in for another session.